How to Make Dreams Come True: A System

Red Hot Lead spiral represents dreams come true

This is part 1 of a series on making dreams come true… seriously, there are systems specifically designed for moving mere ideas into actual results.

(Part 2 will be posted on 01/14/16 – Sign-up here to make sure you don’t miss it)

We’re all dreamers. We have the gift of imagination. And even those of us with the tamest of minds can imagine a way that life could be better.

So what’s the secret? Is there one? What does it take to make dreams come true?

Some people do this day in and day out. In fact, some get so good at it that they can help make others’ dreams come true.

Good News: The reason that some people have the knack to just make things happen is because there is a system. And it’s one we can all learn.

Here’s a Free Workshop on how to do just that

Making Dreams Come True

It’s not technically correct to say there’s “a system” for turning dreams into reality. It’s not like there’s only one way. But there is a general path with steps.

The number of techniques to complete each step are basically endless. But the process always moves in this direction:

  • Mind – dream, idea, fantasy
  • Concept/Vision –  captured externally – writing or drawings
  • Experiment & Implementation – Taking action and trying it out
  • Results & Reflections – How did it turn out?
  • Refinement – Figure out what works and repeat this process

In other words, to make a dream come true, you start with an idea in your head.

Then you need to get it out of there.

Next you have to try it out to see if it actually works.

And then you take the best parts and repeat the process. Creative Problem Solving is a time-tested system to help you move through this process.

Action is the Motor

Oddly enough, it’s not that difficult to make dreams come true. For instance, we certainly wouldn’t describe any stage of this process as a “Herculean task”.

Each piece of the puzzle is pretty easy by itself. With just 20-30 minutes per day, even monumental dreams can take shape.

The trick then is taking consistent action. And we all recognize our main opponent there.

Dream making is about experimentation, trial and error. With each go-round you make advances (assuming you’re working in a way that moves you towards your goals).

A trouble here is that many people get stuck in the busy trap.

Beware The Busy Trap

Doing things that take time and effort, but don’t work towards usable results is the busy trap. It feels nice because we can trick ourselves into thinking “we’re doing good work.”

But really we’re procrastinating.

For example, have you ever decided to clean your desk or some room just before jumping into a new work project? Feels like something valuable is happening all the while the important stuff is just waiting.

The danger is that the busy trap is sticky. Without realizing it, it’s possible to get stuck there so long that your dreams just pass you by…

The Upward Spiral

The path to making dreams come true is also not linear. It’s an upwards spiral. That is, you can’t just do each step one time and expect it to turn out roses.

It’s like climbing an upward spiral that is wide at the base and tight at the top. The higher you get and the closer to the center you are, the closer you are to realizing your dream.

We move from a general idea to specific implementation. With each round you close in on your goal.

Start making your dreams a reality with this:

Creative Problem Solving – Your Master Key to Success

What Dreams Are You Working On?

Did you know that you’re more likely to follow through on your dreams when you declare them publicly? Also if you have someone on your team whose also invested in your success.

We all have an internal drive to be perceived as being consistent. (We hate cognitive dissonance)

So be bold: State your dreams, loud and proud in the comments below. Then let’s start taking action to make them happen.

Until then….

Keep rockin’ it and make every day count.