Emergence: A Breakthrough in Focus

a breakthrough in focus

How does your right big toe feel right now?

What about your left hand?

Now that spot between  your eyes?

And what does this have to do with anything?

Well, every time we mindfully direct our attention, we’re engaging our ability to focus.

This series has been about emergence and breakthroughs. And this post is about sparking a breakthrough in focus.

Fostering Focus

Every moment of every day presents an opportunity to strengthen that focus muscle.

In fact, The Game here is a technique for training yourself to engage with life regardless of what we’re doing or where we are.

It’s like practicing the art of balancing with your mind. So if you’re not in The Game yet I recommend starting there as you’ll turn every moment into a potential breakthrough.

Here are some other techniques for thinking about focus and taking it to the next level.

Notice The Nature of Your Mind

The strangest secret of self-control is that it shows us that we have at least 2 selves up in our mind.

One side of us that knows thinks clearly, plans, and sees the big picture.

The other part is hungry, horny, avoids work at all costs, and pursues pleasure with vigor. It wants things, and it wants them Now.

These two sides of us are always present. Can you guess which one is helpful in terms of fostering a breakthrough in focus?

And these two sides of us are in a constant contest, sort of like a Game.

At any moment, the instinctual side of us tries to influence behavior through emotions, urges, and passions. The intellect or rationality then is the part of us that can mindfully choose to focus.

By noticing which part of you is in the driver’s seat, you can foster a breakthrough in your focus today at work, while learning, when alone, and even in social situations.

Reflect: What’s Driving Me?

When you feel compelled to do something, take a moment and ask yourself: What part of me is driving this decision?

Simply noticing that an impulse is coming from our lower nature can often be enough to get us back in The Game. For example, whatever you’re doing, thoughts will often interrupt and distract you.

When you notice these distracting thoughts, bring your mind back to the present.

**The first time you do this mindfully, you have officially fostered your first breakthrough in focus.**

Because at that moment you’ve integrated a new tool into your arsenal: the ability to use your awareness to refine your own mind. This is a type of metacognition.

Formal Practices for a Breakthrough in Focus

Once you have this tool, anything you practice can deepen your ability to focus. Nevertheless, the quickest way to develop this ability is to integrate mindful practices into other activities.

For example, meditation, working out, creative acts, eating healthily, and even abstaining from vices are all effective tools for refining your ability to focus.


Because they are times when our egoic nature is likely to rear its head and try to distract us.

Any time you make the decision to improve yourself, you will be confronted by internal resistance. That animalistic, instinctual, part of your mind knows that instead of sitting down to meditate, you could be doing anything else.

Same goes for working out or working on a creative project. Part of you will urge you to do something easier.

And every time you overcome that resistance, you strengthen your ability to focus. Bringing your attention back to the task at hand is like doing 1 Mind-Rep, strengthening that muscle.

This is the path to both self-mastery and your next breakthrough in focus.

Where do You Prefer to Focus?

What are the areas in life where you can focus most easily? What are the areas that present you with the greatest challenge?

Is it easier for you to focus at specific times of the day? For me, the morning is my bread and butter.

And psychological research on the topic shows that many people hit their cognitive peak about 2 hours after waking. Is this true for you?

Also, do you have any other tips or tricks to enhance your focus? Lay ‘em out there and help a brotha’ or sista’ out. In the meantime, keep rocking it and check out other practices to foster a breakthrough in focus here:

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Tools of Thought: Critical, Creative, and Strategic Thinking